Relais Sant'Elena | Relais di Charme, Vacanze Bibbona Toscana
Relais Sant'Elena is located in the municipality of Bibbona, famous not only for the constant presence of the sea, but also for the beauty of the landscapes, the historical and naturalistic richness, the charm of ancient villages.
Unfortunately, Relais Sant'Elena | Relais di Charme, Vacanze Bibbona Toscana hasn't added any spaces to their profile on The Vendry.
In a natural embrace of a splendid beauty formed by soft hills, a hamlet, a tower, a cypress, where Sant’Elena lays down, an ancient Tuscan dwelling made of history and stone: it's a sweet welcome in its elegant interiors with its earthy colors, old furniture and precious fabrics; a moment of refreshment in a timeless place, that alone is enough to hearten; an awakening with the morning fragrance, of the harmony between spirit and feeling.
Condé Nast Traveler
Condé Nast Traveler
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